What follows is a collection of style guides dealing with other (unclassified) styles of writing.
Note: If you are looking for more general writing style guides, then go to General Writing Style Guides.
- The Art of Writing Nonfiction (1987, 2nd edition), by Andre Fontaine and William A. Glavin Jr. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
- The Elements of E-Mail Style: Communicate Effectively Via Electronic Mail(1994), by Brent D. Heslop and David Angell. Addison-Wesley.
- The Elements of Speechwriting and Public Speaking (1996), by Jeff Scott Cook. New York: Collier Books.
- How to Handle Speechwriting Assignments (1994), by Douglas P. Starr. Pilot Books.
- The Journaling Handbook (1994), by Carol Barton. Philadelphia: Running Press.
- A Short Guide to Writing About Social Science (1996), by Lee Cuba. Talman.
- Speechwriting: A Professional Step by Step Guide for Executives (1989), by Edward H. McCarthy. Executive Speaker.
- Telling Your Own Stories: For Family and Classroom Storytelling, Public Speaking, and Personal Journaling (1993), by Donald D. Davis. Little Rock, AK: August House.
- Writing Effective Speeches (1992), by Henry Ehrlich. New York: Paragon.