These are the best reference sites we’ve found on the Web.
Note: For information about writing style guidelines, please visit Writing Reference Sites on the Web.
Sites With Broad Resources:
- AskERIC: AskERIC is the Internet-based education information service of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) System. Web address:
- Britannica Online: With a subscription, Britannica Online allows full search capabilities. Web address:
- DIALOG: DIALOG, a service of Knight-Ridder Information, Inc., provides a number of services for DIALOG users and potential users. Web address:
- EBSCOhost: EBSCO offers an online system that allows users to search dozens of citations and full-text databases and order documents via the Internet. Web address:
- E-Conflict, World Encyclopedia and Simulation: Anthems, flags, maps, weather and the nations of the world. Web address:
- Encyberpedia: A complete information site with links to the major encyclopedias, reference materials, museums, sports, and research centers throughout the Internet. Web address:
- Hoover’s Online: The ultimate source for company information, including corporate information and web addresses. Follow this link for other sources of company research. Web address:
- Law Dictionary and Legal Encyclopedia: Explanations for thousands of law related words, terms and phrases, as well as topic areas of key legal issues. Web address:
- MEDWORD’s Dictionary and Drug Info Links Page: Offers a comprehensive medical dictionary, gloaasry and drug information database. Web address:
- Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) Reference Services: OCLC offers both FirstSearch and OCLC Electronic Journals Online. Find information about books, articles, films, and computer software. Web address: A listing of the databases available on FirstSearch can be found at:
- ResearchBuzz: for those who want to keep up with the latest on new research sites and information. Web address:
- Research-It!: One-stop reference desk conducts search inquiries for languages, library tools (biographies, religion,quotations), geography, finance and shipping. Web address:
- SilverPlatter Databases over the Internet: SilverPlatter’s Internet subscription option provides access to SilverPlatter databases on a subscription basis via the Internet. Web address: A listing of the databases available on SilverPlatter can be found at: