Category Archives: Usage

Believes vs Beliefs – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 14, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Believes and Beliefs? Believes and beliefs have similar meanings, spellings, and pronunciations. However, each word has a different part of speech. Therefore, it is important not to mix up the two. Believes is a the third person singular conjugation of the verb believe, which means to think, or have faith, that something is true without having

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Coca vs. Cocoa – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 14, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Coca and Cocoa? Coca and cocoa sound the same, with the exception of the last vowel sound. Coca’s last vowel sound is a schwa whereas cocoa’s last vowel sound is a long o sound. Coca is the name of a plant. This plant is notable because it is the shrub from which people can derive cocaine,

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Backup vs. Back Up – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 14, 2019/ Usage

What is the Difference Between Backup and Back Up? Backup and back up sound the same, with the exception of a slight pause between the two words in back up. However, the two terms have different grammatical rules since they are different parts of speech, and they do not always share the same definition. Backup is a noun with a

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Avenge vs. Revenge – How to Use Each Correctly

/ October 14, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Avenge and Revenge? These two words are similar in pronunciation and meaning. The even share the same roots. Avenge is a verb that means to take vengeance for something in an attempt to achieve justice. The boy sought to avenge his father’s death by killing his father’s murderer. Revenge can act as either a noun or

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Always vs. All Ways – How to Use Each Correctly

/ September 30, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Always and All Ways? Always and all ways sound exactly the same, with the exception of all ways usually having a slight pause between the words. However, their definitions are different, which means these two terms cannot be interchanged. Always is an adverb that means all the time. I always read for an hour before going

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Aloud vs. Allowed – How to Use Each Correctly

/ September 30, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Allowed and Aloud? Allowed and aloud are homophones. This means that they sound the same yet have different meanings and spellings. Allowed is an adjective that means permitted. It is also the past tense and past participle form of the verb allow. My parents never allowed their dog on the furniture. Aloud acts as an adverb

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Airplane vs. Aeroplane – How to Use Each Correctly

/ September 30, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Airplane and Aeroplane? Airplane and aeroplane are two words that sound almost, but not exactly, alike. However, their meanings are synonymous. Airplane is a noun that means a flying machine with fixed wings that is driven by propulsion. Flying by airplane is scary to many people but it’s actually safer than traveling by car. Aeroplane has

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Aisle vs. Isle – How to Use Each Correctly

/ September 30, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Aisle and Isle? Aisle and isle are homophones. Homophones sound exactly alike, but have different meanings and spellings. This means that although aisle and isle have the same pronunciation, they are very different words. Therefore, it is not possible to interchange these two words. Aisle is a noun that means a passage between rows of things

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Setup vs. Set up – How to Use Each Correctly

/ September 25, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Setup and Set Up? Setup and set up have similar pronunciations and meanings, but are different parts of speech. Therefore, they follow different grammatical rules and cannot be interchanged. Setup is a noun that means an arrangement or the act of getting ready. If the bride and groom aren’t happy with any aspect of the wedding

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Realise vs. Realize – How to Use Each Correctly

/ September 24, 2019/ Usage

What’s the Difference Between Realise and Realize? Realise and realize are both alternate spellings of the same word. Realise is a common alternate spelling in British English. It shares the same definition as realize. The woman apologized for walking out of the store without paying for the item. She claimed she hadn’t realised it was in her purse. Realize is

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