This page includes links to the online versions of general style guides, such as the APA Style Guide and Chicago Manual of Style, as well as many others.
Note: You can find dictionaries and other writing tools in this section of our site: Writing Reference Resources.
- Citing Electronic Resources: A good collection of Web-based and print resources for citing information.
- Columbia Guide to Online Style: A comprehensive manual that not only covers citation of online documents but provides guidelines for producing them.
- Documentation and Style Guide: A great guideline that provides the basics involved in documentation using footnotes. Very detailed.
- Documenting Electronic Resources Using APA Style: Some good advice and examples from the McConnell Library at Radford University.
- Footnote and Citation Style Guides: Summarize instructions for generating footnotes and bibliographies in various subject disciplines.
- How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography: A short guide to the process of writing annotated bibliographies.
- The Human-Languages Page: A comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources.
- List of Dictionaries: A great collection of translation dictionaries.
- MLA Works Cited Style Sheet: This site is designed for quick reference and does not include the entire MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.
- On-line Resources for Documenting Electronic Sources: from the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.
- Research & Writing Guides: From Gunter Krumme, University of Washington, Seattle.
- Using American Psychological Association (APA) Format: from the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.
- Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format: from the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.
- Writing Explained: Online usages articles on various confusing English words, grammar dictionary of basic grammar terms, and idiom dictionary for English learners.